5 Reasons to Check Out KEEPERS

It gives us such a big dose of Singapore pride.

KEEPERS is the unparalleled showcase of our local craft and design scene by far. A total of 20 resident and 30 guest artisans and designers are involved, while the pop-up building structure – referred to as the ‘Black Diamond’ – is the result of a collaboration between President Design Awardee Randy Chan from Zarch Collaboratives and ACRE, an integrated design consultancy.

It’s not a one-off event.

Rather than being a one-visit place, KEEPERS is a constant flux of creative energy and collaboration. Monthly themes and regular change-ups of the layout keeps the space fresh, and there will be changing showcases of work along with exclusively designed capsule fashion collections. A PhotoWrite workshop, music concerts and a nostalgic scent workshop are just some of the activities in the 5-month long calendar of events.

It’s more than just a showcase.

Imagine dropping by the workspace of your favourite jewellery designer or perfumery atelier. KEEPERS is designed to provide you with that experience of connecting with the artisan behind the craft, and to learn about the story and creative process that lies behind. In addition to retail showcases, there will be residency workspaces as well as workshops and demonstrations spanning across different disciplines.

It doesn’t have a one-track mind.

The list of design disciplines featured is long: fashion, perfumery, poetry, architecture, tea appreciation, interior design, jewellery making, bookbinding, letterpress printing and typesetting…but we’ll keep this short. Well, as short as it gets. Head to their website instead for a complete overview of who’s going to be involved.

It’s not just about KEEPERS

It’s also about Archifest, The Design Society and even F1. Tie-ups contribute another layer of activities and learning opportunities that doesn’t just end with KEEPERS. In addition, if you need a break from those F1 crushing crowds during 19th-21st Sept, KEEPERS has scheduled the biggest gathering of designers and artisans during the same weekend, along with a slew of events in which you can personally speak to craftsmen and participate in demonstrations and workshops.

KEEPERS: Singapore Designer Collective is running 12 September 2014 – 15 February 2015, 11am-10pm daily, at Orchard Green (junction of Cairnhill Road and Orchard Road). For more information, see website.

Written by Xiangyun Lim


Xiangyun gravitates towards ideas, aesthetics, and the written word. She requires music, coffee, and wine to function, along with regular swimming and baking sessions. She is also unreasonably suspicious about linear time and conformity.