Inaho’s Kitchen

Towards the Craig Road side of Duxton, you’d probably just walk right past this bundle of awesomeness. Located on the 2nd floor, this Japanese run Izakaya is super authentic. I’ve been twice and of the 20 or so seats at Inaho’s at least 75% are occupied by Nihon-jin. If you’re big into Sake and are keen to try some proper Japanese bar cuisine (not Sushi, people!), then this should be right at the top of your list…Best to go with a couple of friends and for a good talk cock and catchup session.
Phone: 6222 0852
Opening hours: Open Daily, 12pm to 10pm.

When Joel’s not partaking in one of his shameless eating sessions, he likes to think of himself as a sponge – absorbing the mysteries and beauty of our world – be it through a good book or a wacky jaunt in a foreign country.