Sultry Japanese seduction at Ikyu

There is something undeniably sensual about the dining experience at Ikyu. From the minute you walk in, you’re welcomed by a sleek, softly-lit interior, sultry music playing in the background, and rolling images on plasma screens of the food that awaits, visually seducing you as true food porn should do. It’s like the whole place is whispering ‘come  hither’ sensually in your ear. Miles away from a traditional Japanese restaurant, more like sex on legs (or chopsticks). It’s no wonder that they bill themselves as ‘the new sexy’.

Sauntering around Tiong Bahru one day, we decided to give this place a shot one lunch time, and to sample their set lunch offerings.

We have to be honest – we steered away from the a la carte menu because it seemed on the pricey side to us, but if you’re wanting to check out one of the newest kids on the Tiong Bahru block helmed by Executive Chef Takuma Seki, former chef-de Cuisine of Hide Yamamoto at Marina Bay Sands, then the set menu is probably a better, more price-friendly option for you.

The set menu here is $28pp and comes with a choice of two appetizers, five main courses, choice of dessert plus coffee or tea. On the starters, the Wagyu Tsukune was our favourite. Juicy, flavoursome meatballs which we devoured in an instant.

The Fish Nanbanzuke, deep-fried mackerel in a sweetened vinegar marinade had a unique taste to it but perhaps one that is more acquired.

As for the mains, the Grilled Seasonal Fish (which on our visit was salmon) was a decent portion of tender, meaty fish which came with an excellent house-brewed miso soup and a side of crab and avocado roll. The flavouring was delicate, and very easy on the palate.

The Nabeyaki Udon with Karrage was again, very mildly seasoned (perhaps too mildly for our palates) but comforting, steamy bowl of goodness nonetheless.

We loved the Dessert of the Day, which when we stopped by was Milk Pudding. Impossibly smooth and delicate and beautifully presented, with a delicate strawberry flavour…but certainly one for the girls!

If you’re yearning for sushi, or indeed a la carte, you’ll have to be prepared to pay a little bit extra than what you might ordinarily be used to, with prices from the sushi bar ranging anywhere from $16.50 for a Deep Fried Soft Shell Crab Roll all the way up to $58.50 for Assorted Premium Sashimi. However, for that, they promise the quality that comes with flying in produce direct from Tsukiji three times a week. And of course there is a rather cool looking sake bar at the back which has an interesting selection to sample.

For us, Ikyu strikes us as the absolutely perfect place for a date. It has the right mood and feel, good service, with food that is subtly flavoured but not by any means mind blowing, but we think that will help from getting all in a tizzy on a date anyhow. An unlikely addition to the latest plethora of places to pop up in Tiong Bahru, whether it’s worth the hype (as with all the latest additions to the neighbourhood)…well, we’ll leave you to judge!

Written by Ms Demeanour.

Chief Editor

Emily heads the editorial team on City Nomads by being a stickler for details, a grammar Nazi, and a really picky eater. Born and bred in Singapore, she loves cats, the written word, and exploring new places. Can be bribed with quality booze across the board.