PUBLISHED May 4th, 2015 04:05 am | UPDATED July 2nd, 2020 02:51 pm
Have your breath taken away by the stunning illusions and astounding sets by professional illusionist duo Lawrence and Priscilla Khong!
This magic-meets-theatre spectacular promises a plethora of brand new illusions, including the disappearance of a car on stage and ‘Fire Sparker’, which takes a startling new spin on the traditional sawing illusion.
The plot centres around Priscilla’s ‘domain’, an alternate dimension in the depths of her fantasy and magic-filled subconscious, where she uses her powers for selfish reasons, even to the extent of capturing her own father. This evening will leave you on the edge of you seat – will Lawrence be able to save himself and his daughter before it’s too late? Through the suspense and danger, audiences can also expect a heart-warming story about family: kinship, love, forgiveness and a better tomorrow.
Behind the scenes, the impressive crew features Don Wayne, principal magic creator for David Copperfield, who co-developed the illusions with Lawrence and Priscilla. Having done work in television and concerts, his clientele include Michael Jackson, Cher and Britney Spears.
VISION will take place from 3 – 12 July at the Esplanade Theatre.
Tickets can be purchased here.