10 Questions with Wolf + Lamb

wolf + lambwolf + lamb

Those familiar with Wolf + Lamb will be well aware of their history – a label in touch with their artists and intent on creating their own scene. They’re also responsible for launching the Crew Love concept – a collective that tours the globe, bringing DJs, live acts, and groovy vibes to every event they attend.

In town this Saturday (4 March 2017) for Singapore-based collective Fat Fish Familia’s second anniversary, we managed to sit them down for this edition of 10 questions. In the course of answering our queries, Wolf + Lamb shared their happy places and secrets like how to prevent an endless party from getting stale.

wolf + lamb at wonderfruit 2017wolf + lamb at wonderfruit 2017

1. Where were you born?

We were born and raised in Brooklyn, New York in a neighborhood called Flatbush. It’s 1/4 Pakistani, 2/3 Jewish, 1/3 Russian, and not that pretty.

2. How would you describe yourself in 5 words or less.

A hopeful, passionate, excitable dreamer.

3. Name the best and worst thing about your city.

The best thing is the amorphous, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural nature of the city and its people. There’s no real “New Yorker” other than if you live in New York, everyone is welcome, everyone belongs. The worst thing is the rising rent and cost of living that forces people to spend most of their time working, and most of their pay on rent.

wolf + lambwolf + lamb

4. Who were some of the first DJs you ever saw that made you want to do it yourself?

The dons of the New York club scene in the 90’s; Junior Vasquez, Victor Claderone, feeling a gut thumping sound of Twilo and Limelight and watching the DJs cooly manager it all. Then there were always the smaller New York scene DJ’s most of whom have faded into obscurity.

5. What was the first impression when you met each other?

It was love at first site, we knew we had chemistry to do something great together; we just didn’t know what. We both left our jobs to explore an artistic career together and have been at it ever since. 15 years now.

6. What do you do to prevent the endless party loop from getting stale?

We change the music, bring in new sounds and looks, which is mainly for us since the crowd changes on their own. People grow up, get married and have kids, and it’s time for a new generation of partners to take their place.

7. Who is your personal hero and why?

I don’t know, Mother Teresa? Kidding, turns out she wasn’t that great after all. I’m careful with heroes, we’re all just people at the end of the day.

8. Are we alone in the universe of is there something or someone else out there?

Who cares.

9. How has your party ethic changed over the years?

I leave when I’m tired, and end when it’s over.

10. You’ve brought happiness to hundreds of people, whether on dancing floors or listening at home, describe your happy place.

Dreamland, NY. Us and Soul Clap and some friends just bought a farm in upstate New York and have been renovating it and making it our happy place for the last year.

To keep updated of Wolf + Lamb’s upcoming parties and latest music, follow them here:
Website | Facebook | Soundcloud

A storyteller and explorer, Sharmaine moves through the world with a curiosity for music, nature, and the wisdom of ancient healing traditions. Whether unearthing hidden sounds, wandering through the wild, or crafting narratives, she finds meaning in the details. Because the best stories are lived, not just told.