Dine for Singapore: Local Dining Campaign Hi5SG Launches with 55% Discounts And $55 Set Menus

When the going got rough for restaurants during lockdown, Singapore’s foodies rallied round to put their money where their hearts were to #savefnbsg. Now that dine-in is in full swing once more, F&B businesses are getting back on their feet – and ready to give back in return.

From the same folks behind the #savefnbsg movement, Hi5SG is a dining campaign that gives back to both consumers and underprivileged communities. This non-profit campaign brings together a vibrant mix of local eateries, each rolling out dining offers and promos themed around the number ‘5’. That means bundles of five, 55% discounts, and S$55 set menus – and yes, it’s all a cheeky nod to our current five-person cap on social gatherings.


The lineup runs the gamut from fine dining to zi char grub, so you’re sure to be well-fed no matter your tastes. We’re talking steals like S$95 for a five-course lunch at one-Michelin-starred Braci, S$55 for a barachirashi set from YOSHI, and free dining for the fifth guest in your group at Yan.

On the boozy front, get the party going with 25% off drinks from Anti:dote, a Sunday special of S$55 for four cocktails at Ah Sam Cold Drinks Stall, and one shot free for every five purchased at Lady Wu. Those staying in aren’t left out either: there’re complimentary Italian desserts from virtual restaurant Grammi, takeaway Thai bento set deals by Blue Jasmine, and meals from healthy food purveyor Grain to snag.


All this feasting goes toward a good cause. Hi5SG aims to raise S$300,000 in funds for its official partner, =DREAMS – a program which provides underprivileged children with after-school enrichment and holistic support. A cut of each sale (ranging from S$1 to S$5) goes toward this initiative, with certain restaurants even opting to match donations dollar-for-dollar. And ultimately, it’s also a great way to show some love to your favourite eateries as they start on the road to recovery.

The Hi5SG campaign runs from September 2020 to 31 January 2021. Check out hi5.sg to discover participating brands and promos.

Top Image: YOSHI

Deputy Editor

Jolene has a major sweet tooth and would happily eat pastries for all meals. When she’s not dreaming of cheesecake, she can be found in the dance studio, working on craft projects, or curled up with a good book.