Kith Café – Robertson Quay

Neighbourhood favourite Kith Cafe is hugely popular for good reason. Good food, great service, and you’re ‘welcomed like a friend’ every time. With 3 outlets now, one in Robertson Quay, one at Park Mall and one in Sentosa Cove, Kith is our favourite small business driven to success by hard work, sheer loveliness and popularity. For a quick bite and a great coffee…Kith wins all day long.
Phone: 6341 9407
Opening hours: Monday to Friday – 7am to 4pm. Saturday & Sunday: 7am – 6pm.

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When Joel’s not partaking in one of his shameless eating sessions, he likes to think of himself as a sponge – absorbing the mysteries and beauty of our world – be it through a good book or a wacky jaunt in a foreign country.