Light Runner – Run For Light

Run for Light empowers and supports the less fortunate community by helping to create awareness for the association or community to raise funds through the event and to help them raise their own funds in subsequent years. Also, support your favourite artists at the post run event; The Sam Willows, Jack and Rai, Superfly etc and Joe Augustin!

The event starts with the dog park pre-run activities from 5pm. Only pet owners who have registered for the Dog Walk 2015 will be able to participate and walk their dogs at Gardens by the Bay East. Enjoy a relaxing day out and activities with your pets. The distance is less than 1km and takes around 20-30 mins to complete.
At the end point, there will be two contests for the participants and your pets. After which, the participants and the pets can relax at a designated area for pets and enjoy the evening under the sky. A goodie bag for your pet will be provided with each Dog Walk 2015 registration (worth more than $82). Registration is based per pet for each sign up.

The main 5km fun and visionary run/walk will flag off at 6.30pm by the guest of honour. Spread over four different zones, it will give participants insights into the lives led by the blind. 50 pairs of participants who have opted for the blindfolded walk will be led by the GDAB guide dog teams and our race ambassadors on a designated lane. The rest of the participants will proceed with their run/walk and have the opportunity to witness and cheer for the guide dog teams and the blindfolded walk’s participants.

Light Runner is happening on Saturday, 17 January at 5pm at Gardens By The Bay.

For more information, ticket details and to sign up, please click [here](

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Deputy Editor

Gary is one of those proverbial jack of all trades… you know the rest. When not writing about lifestyle and culture, he dabbles in photography, graphic design, plays four instruments and is a professional wearer of bowties. His greatest weakness: spending more money on clothes than he probably should. Find him across the social world as @grimlay