Lion City Kitty: Singapore’s New Cat Museum

The recent fiasco of Cuddles Cat Café has been very disheartening for all cat lovers, so we decided to bring a piece of good news that will definitely cheer you up – Lion City Kitty – Singapore’s first kitty museum, has officially opened on 9th January this year!

Lion City KittyLion City Kitty

Situated in the centre of our Civic District along Purr-vis Street, the museum not only pays tribute to our feline friends through pop culture (the first thing you see when you enter is a mega poster of Puss in Boots from Shrek), art, and photographs. Located on the second level of the shophouse, the Cat Museum features touching stories and cats and their humans, as well as the important roles they play in each community. What’s more, January 2015 will also see the launch of Lunchtime Kitten Therapy ($5) from 12 noon to 2pm! By playing with the kittens, visitors will be helping to socialize them for adoption in future.

The third level of the building is home to the Muses Gallery, which traces the history and origins of the Singaporean cat. The main highlight of the gallery, however, is definitely the cat orphanage, set up in collaboration with the folks at Cat Welfare Society. The society’s members will select 9 cats and care for them on the premises of Lion City Kitty in hopes that potential adopters will be able to see the felines in their most natural state and prepare the cats themselves for joining a family. When we were there for a sneak peek last week, 6 of the first 9 cats were already adopted (yay!). And for all aspiring artists, this is also one of the best available spaces to paint, draw, or photograph cats.

Lion City KittyLion City Kitty

Continuing the kitty karma on the top floor, The Mansion is literally a mansion to Lion City Kitty’s 9 resident cats. Named after Hollywood superstars – our favourites are Julia (Roberts), Usher, and Angelina (Jolie) – these cats call the beautiful environment their permanent home, complete with toys and scratching posts.

And even as you make your way out through the stairwell, you’d be walking through a gallery of famous felines such as Garfield, Grumpy Cat, and even Hello Kitty.

At a mere $9, the fee includes entry to all three levels for an unlimited time on the day of the visit. We strongly encourage you to donate an additional amount to the museum if you visit because this initiative is one really good cause that deserves your money.

Psssst, they’re having sneak peeks of the museum this weekend so if you want to check it out before it opens to public (and maybe give a kitty a home before the new year), please email


Chief Editor

Emily is a stickler for details, a grammar Nazi, and a really picky eater. Born and bred in Singapore, she loves cats, the written word, and exploring new places. Can be bribed with quality booze across the board.