Tapestry of Lives Exhibtion and Artist Talk

Day in, day out, taxi drivers spend most of their waking hours plying the streets of Singapore. Witness the progress of our country through changes in the external landscape and passenger demographics, all as seen from their perspectives. In On The Road, photographer Sean Lee captures the memories of taxi drivers detailing the changes in our nation through archival materials, texts, interviews, videos and photographs.

As large plots of land continue to make way for our nation’s development, trace the roots of farming from its traditional practices to new technologies in Singapore Farmers. Basing her research from the National Archives of Singapore, Ore Huiying explores the past and present memories of local farming communities through curated video footage, photos and oral historical records on the geographical history of farms and the events that affected them.

Public Conversations explores memories of travel and transition through the multiple voices of immigrants living in Singapore as they share their challenges and aspirations for the future.

As Singapore’s younger generation obsesses over the new, they leave the past to wither behind them. Once-familiar occupations – cobblers, tailors and fishmongers – are but some of the trades slowly disappearing from our streets. Observe these skilled craftsmen at work in their natural environment in Chai’s Trades by Postal Code, a photography publication that captures their humanity and creates a dialogue between people and places.

The Exhibition will run from 1-14 July 2015 at the National Library Building

The Artist Talk will be held on 18 July 2015 from 2pm-5pm at the Possibility Room, National Library Building.

Click [here(http://www.nlb.gov.sg/golibrary/Programmes/Singapore/62560/Tapestry_of_Lives__Exhibition_Tour_and_Artist_Talk_.aspx), here for more information and to register for the artist talk.

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Deputy Editor

Gary is one of those proverbial jack of all trades… you know the rest. When not writing about lifestyle and culture, he dabbles in photography, graphic design, plays four instruments and is a professional wearer of bowties. His greatest weakness: spending more money on clothes than he probably should. Find him across the social world as @grimlay