The Cufflink Club – 1 year on – New menu, new bartenders, same excellence

The Cufflink ClubThe Cufflink Club

Having just celebrated its one year anniversary, with business better than ever AND a brand-spanking new menu, it was a pleasure to head down to Cufflink Club last week, on what quickly became a rather boozy Monday afternoon.

Keeping a few of the old favourites on the menu, the new set of cocktails are well-curated, conceptualized and designed. And needless to say, there is something for everyone…

For the Gents:

Boys and Their Toys ($28) – If you’re an ‘Old Fashioned’ chap, then this one is definitely for you. Using good ol’ Evan Williams Bourbon, this is a great variation on one my favourite cocktails, making use of three kinds of bitters to really enhance the flavour. And best of all, it comes with little toy soldiers for your personal amusement.

It’s $28 for per glass, however just watch them pour…this is a stiff drink if ever there was one, and will last you a good while before you feel the need to order another.

For the Ladies

If you’re a sweet-tooth and go for cocktails of the more fruity and aesthetically-pleasing nature! then you might want to try the Mai (Thai) Bride ($24). Made with kaffir lime, lemongrass-infused rum and other tropical ingredients, it’s no surprise that this bride is served in a very slick looking tiki mug with fresh Orchid flowers garnishing it. This one, is for the ladies…or as their neighbours, Muchachos might say, the Nansy Pansies…

And finally, for the Boozers

I’d heard rumour of this lethal drink from a few friends, and from seeing it made at The Cufflink Club, I am not surprised whatsoever at the reputation it has garnered. The ‘Spring Break ($24) is ‘dangerous’! For a start, it’s massive. Secondly, there’s a lot of alcohol in it (literally, heavy pours, and it’s got the Latino trilogy of Rum, Tequila and Cachaça! Dios Mio Señor!). Thirdly, it’s really quite tasty. This is the kind of cocktail you will literally knock back and not even realise it. 3 drinks on however, and you may find yourself eager to party like you’re on spring break yourself.

1 year on and The Cufflink Club has undoubtably proven itself as not just a trendy, new venue, but a watering hole where you can consistently find creative, interesting and top-notch drinks, no matter what your preference.

Written by The City Nomad

When not rambling his way around Singapore on discovery-mode, he likes to hang out with friends, cook, make experimental cocktails and attempt handstands during yoga.