Interactive Theatre’s The Wedding Reception: Review

Hot on the heels of Interactive Theatre’s immersive experience Faulty Towers came their second production The Wedding Reception. Performed to rave reviews in London and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, the show had a short run in Singapore last weekend.

The experience is similar to Faulty Towers. Guests are treated to a two and a half hour immersive theatre experience with a two-course dinner and cake…but there’s where the similarity ended.

The Wedding Reception - The Wedding Reception Interactive Theatre ReviewThe Wedding Reception - The Wedding Reception Interactive Theatre Review

The premise of the show is that the audience members are “guests” at William and Kate’s wedding reception. Will and Kate wanted a small, intimate wedding, which led them to tying the knot in a registry office. However, Kate’s mother insisted on a wedding reception, and the venue was Casurina Suite A at Raffles Hotel.

The Wedding Reception 3The Wedding Reception 3The “guests’ mingled in the foyer and bar area while the bride’s mother, Lynn (Becky Norris) and her father, Ray (Ben Hood), started the night by introducing themselves. Both had broad Yorkshire accents (which proved a challenge to some of the guests) and Lynn kindly offered sweets and snacks to guests who were waiting around. Meanwhile, the hapless wedding planner, Marvin (David Tremaine) rushed about trying to get the reception room ready and while having a minor breakdown over a melted ice sculpture.

A lot of care had gone into the reception; from the packets of confetti that we were encouraged to throw over the happy couple as they arrived, to the wedding cake made by “Bob” (one of the guests), and even photos of the William and Katie on holiday on every table, adding a touch of reality. Two ladies were given bridesmaid sashes and headdresses. The rest of the evening proceeded at a good pace – not too slow – and there were lots of strange revelations and confessions, including odd family members that turned up.
There were only four cast members but they play nine different characters between them – William, Kate, Lynn, Ray, Ricky (the best man), Aunty Marge, Val, Marvin (the wedding planner),  and a waitress. The company had to change costumes multiple times during the show. For Danielle Briers (Kate), this meant changing in and out of a wedding dress, as well as hair and make up. But their entrances and exits were swift; their comedic timing and persona changes never missed a beat. It’s ironic when William makes the comment, “[W]e can never all be in the same room at the same time”.
The Wedding Reception Interactive Theatre ReviewThe Wedding Reception Interactive Theatre Review

There was a good balance of drama and comedy and touching moments. Norris was incredible as the bride’s mother and as Aunt Marge. Hood, first as flat-cap wearing Northern Ray and later as Best Man Ricky provided moments of eye watering comedy. He made inappropriate comments to the guests, kept a book of ongoing bets with the guests and promised winners of bets that they will receive “a crispy roast duck”, which never materialized. Briers and Tremaine as William and Kate are also great – you can sense their discomfort at being at the reception that they didn’t organize.

The wait staff at the Raffles blended in well with the actors. The dinner was good but since it was a wedding reception, there should have been some effort to provide each guest with a glass of wine or champagne. At least the overall experience was immersive, witty, and packed with many hilarious moments.

Take the time to experience this show when it comes back to Singapore – you’ll be guaranteed an evening of fun, a plot with some interesting twists and great improvisation!

Nithia is a freelance marketing communications professional, copywriter and editor. She is passionate about supporting the arts in Singapore and getting more people fired up about local productions and the arts scene. passions are cookery, cinema and travel.