Thieves Market Presents Villa Sunplaza/Time Lost Falling in Love by Rizibe

Thieves Market will be doing their first solo show for one of our artists, Rizibe, at artspace@222 (222 Queen Street) from Fri, 7 Nov to Wed, 12 Nov 2014.

Villa Sunplaza / Time Lost Falling in Love is an idyllic narrative of urban emancipation. The work revolves around a fictitious villa on the sunny island of Bali, Indonesia. Featuring city dwellers seeking respite, making sense of the antithetical conditions between life on two disparate islands – one of isolation and another of hyper-connectivity – and the resultant ramifications on themselves placed within these contexts. Rizibe’s visual storytelling weaves narratives from abstractions of moments, vignettes and flashes to blur the lines between memory and fiction. Forming a backdrop for his ever-growing repository of characters, scenes and anecdotes, his work inhabits a world where satire meets music and art in an abstract and minimalistic way.

For updates, see their [Facebook page](

Deputy Editor

Gary is one of those proverbial jack of all trades… you know the rest. When not writing about lifestyle and culture, he dabbles in photography, graphic design, plays four instruments and is a professional wearer of bowties. His greatest weakness: spending more money on clothes than he probably should. Find him across the social world as @grimlay