We Speak With Pop Sensations Us The Duo!

Youtube has been known as a factory machine for making stars out of aspiring musicians ever since its inception on 14 February 2005, although this time, social media site Vines was the stage for charismatic pair Us The Duo to make their name.

The talented set of musicians (who also happen to be romantically involved), were in town on 10 December to serenade us with their melodious brand of pop-folk. Leading us into their lives, we were immersed in the wonderful pictures they painted, enlightening us with the story of how they met and why they fell in love, through the use of heart-felt songs written with great feel and purpose.

Us The DuoUs The Duo

We had the opportunity to interview these loveable songbirds and got to know their lives a bit better.

1) You guys started making music videos on Vine when everyone else seems to be on Youtube – why choose Vine?

Vine consisted of comedic videos, leaving a wide open window for music to enter in. We saw a unique opportunity to cover songs in 6 seconds, not knowing whether people would latch on to the idea or not. After 30 6-second covers in 30 consecutive days, we gained 1 million followers and we immediately knew we were on to something. We continued to cover songs daily, changing our outfits, and eventually would garner 4.3 million followers on the application.

2) Were there any hopes and expectations in the beginning of your musical career?

We’ve always had the dream of pursuing music full-time. It’s a tough industry, full of extreme talent and much about creating something that’s never been done before. We found ourselves finding success once we got rid of any expectations. It’s easy to get caught up in wishing something would happen, but it’s essential for an artist to create a plan and do it with 100% of their energy. We failed at many things we tried, but we never stopped, nor will we ever. You have to pave your own career instead of waiting for others to make it happen for you.

3) It’s really rare to see a couple traveling together in the music industry. How does it feel like touring with your other half?

Traveling alongside each other is the best part of what we do.  Every video, every show, every interview, and every performance is experienced with our best friend. We never have to call home and explain how great the day was or wasn’t. We never have to turn to the left and wish our better half was there to experience that special occasion. Most importantly, we don’t have to take on scary moments alone. There’s some shows where we walk out on stage to a full auditorium, nervous beyond belief, but we look to the side and see the other standing there. Suddenly, all our worries disappear knowing that we don’t have to do it all alone.

4) Who makes the funnier jokes and who annoys who more?
Us The DuoUs The Duo
We both share funny moments and annoying moments equally.  Michael has a unique way of making an audience laugh, while Carissa can get her friends laughing to tears. As far as annoying moments go, it’s easy to get on each other’s nerves when we’re around one another 24/7. But, we always seem to laugh it off and get back to the one of the greatest joys of our relationship – laughter.

5) Is there a city you would absolutely love to play in or have already been to?

One of our favourite cities we’ve played in so far is Singapore. There’s a kindness and sincerity about the fans that can’t be found anywhere else in the world. With every note we sing, we can feel their ears and eyes intently listening and truly caring about our message. As musicians, it’s an amazing feeling to have the genuine support of people watching.

6) Who’s your greatest musical influences respectively?

We have an extreme love for Michael Jackson. Being pop musicians, it’s important to study legends that have come before us and who better to look up to than the king of pop himself? We also love newer writers like Taylor Swift, Lorde, and John Legend. The combination of these artists make up much of our musical inspiration.

7) What do the two of you think of your success so far?

We’ve only just begun.  While this past year has been a whirlwind, we know there’s still a lot of work to do, a lot more music to make, and plenty more places to see and perform at. We’re thankful for what has happened, but we’re even more excited to come up with new ideas and songs for the coming year.

8) Are we going to see new styles and sounds incorporated into your music?

We constantly keep our eyes open to new trends and styles in the industry in hopes to incorporate them into our music. We’re currently writing our next album and it’s interesting to look at the charts and see what’s selling temporarily, and what stays on top for weeks. We’re excited to make our first stab at an album now that we have a large social media following.

9) If you guys could be transported to a certain era music, which one would it be?

We would definitely transport to the 1930s. There’s something about the jazz era that intrigues us. The fact that one man or woman could stand on a stage with just a microphone and entertain a crowd with their voice alone is something quite special. We also love the full suit and long dress attire that everyone wore. It’s a simple time, but full of life and excitement.

10) What can we expect of you guys in the future?

New album, new videos, and maybe a baby somewhere way down the line. But for now, we’ll just focus on music!

When Joel’s not partaking in one of his shameless eating sessions, he likes to think of himself as a sponge – absorbing the mysteries and beauty of our world – be it through a good book or a wacky jaunt in a foreign country.