Vintage Fashion Weekend

Have you ever wondered what kind of anterior life your vintage bag had before finding you, its new acquirer?

Join StyleTribute for some cheese and wine as we discover the stories behind these amazing vintage designer pieces.

[Online Booklet](

Opening Event: 9 May 2014, 6PM – 10PM

Auction: 9 May 2014, 7PM

Event: 10 May 2014, 11AM – 6PM

NOTE: 10% of auction profits will be donated to the Pistorio Foundation

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Deputy Editor

Gary is one of those proverbial jack of all trades… you know the rest. When not writing about lifestyle and culture, he dabbles in photography, graphic design, plays four instruments and is a professional wearer of bowties. His greatest weakness: spending more money on clothes than he probably should. Find him across the social world as @grimlay