This apparat is one with flexible functions, and its sound is as eclectic as its musical horizon is broad. Its emotional chip features an option on happiness and its sound waves are able to tear your heart apart. While sensitively orchestrating his chamber musical qualities on his records or in his studio, his live performances are known for kicking some ass! He can also proudly refer to a John-Peel-Session and is sporadically working with Gianna Nannini on a Rock Opera.

Sascha Ring, aka [Apparat](https://www.facebook.com/apparat.official/?fref=ts), regards his moving out of the east German provincial backwater to Berlin in 1997 as one of his best decisions ever made. Since 1999 he runs, together with T.Raumschmiere, the Berlin based record label “Shitkatapult” – a venturous music catapult that dashes a wild mixture of intentional great music onto the turntables of the world. [Apparat](https://www.facebook.com/apparat.official/?fref=ts) is the bridge over the German gap of melancholic glitch between Manchester and Laptop-USA. His smart wiring of emotions produces a virtual musical reality, which is based upon different genres, depending on the surrounding of the “apparat”. In his studio, dense, dark and majestic clouds of elegiac pop and heavy Electronica built up to a coherent and emotionally charged atmosphere. Live, on the other hand, the dance floor seems to be repelled to rave from the Bermuda Triangle with its axes Techno, IDM and Elektro. Those styles cannot necessarily be distinguished and heard on every of his releases, but since he started out with a much harder pace of electronic music in the early nineties, his influences are definitely Techno and Elektro as well.

This event is happening on Thursday, 12 November 2015 from 10PM at W Retreat & Spa – Bali. For more information, please see [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/events/1474632226177365/).

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Deputy Editor

Gary is one of those proverbial jack of all trades… you know the rest. When not writing about lifestyle and culture, he dabbles in photography, graphic design, plays four instruments and is a professional wearer of bowties. His greatest weakness: spending more money on clothes than he probably should. Find him across the social world as @grimlay