Have a New Year’s Resolution? Here are Five Apps To Keep You On Track for 2021

New Year’s resolutions seem to be a singular form of self-delusion, where we all craft beautifully elaborate plans to become our best selves that we know, somehow, we won’t follow through. But no more! This time, set up systems of accountability with that one friend that never leaves your side: your smartphone. There’s an app for everything these days, and here are some great ones that’ll keep you on track with your resolutions.

Fitness and Health: MyFitnessPal

While its interface might look a touch clunky, there’s no doubt among the fitness community that MyFitnessPal is unrivalled when it comes to functionality. A combination of food diary and fitness log, this app holds nutrition information for over 2,000,000 types of food — including some of our favourite Singapore hawker classics. And with a range of infographics, workout and diet plans, and a huge global fitness community, you’ll never run out of advice or motivation to follow through with your goals.

MyFitnessPal is available on Android and iOS.

Meditation: Headspace

Most of us have been meaning to get into meditation at some point or the other – I know I certainly have. But sometimes, sitting down and ‘calming your mind’ for half an hour seems like an impossible task. Enter Headspace. A guided meditation app, Headspace has a free meditation “basics” course to get you started on your journey, as well as a ton of different themed sessions for mindfulness. And with sessions that range from three to ten minutes, it’s more than achievable and easy to slot in somewhere in your day.

Headspace is available on Android and iOS.

Organisation: Notion

There’s plenty the (wo)man on the street has to keep track of – for work, home, school, or just life. Notion is the best place to make that happen. This organisation app has a ton of templates that range from budgeting and to-do lists to travel planners, reading lists, and life goals. Keep track of everything from your chores and grocery lists to fun recipes you want to try to a monthly cleaning checklist. The world is truly your oyster.

Notion is available on Android, iOS, and Mac/Windows.

Distraction-Free: Flipd

We’re all too familiar with the mindless Instagram scroll. Flipd is the perfect app to set limits on and track your usage of any apps, whether social media or games. Flipd also has a feature that lets you tag activities so you can even track productive ones, like the half hour you spent on Duolingo or your meditation app. You can also track your daily progress over time to really see how much you’ve improved.

Flipd is available on Android and iOS.

Habit Tracker: Habitify

The chic but simple interface on this app makes it a joy to use, along with the little seratonin boost you’ll get when you log in a good habit. A habit tracker like Habitify is your one-stop shop to managing all the new habits you’ve wanted to start (or stop) in 2021, be it reading, meditation, drinking less, or exercising. With daily reminders and detailed reports on your habit developed over time, this is one app that sets you up for success.

Habitify is available on Android and iOS.

Top image: Unsplash

Shiva is highly skilled in the art of binge-watching TV shows and taking naps. On occasion, she also enjoys baking cookies or building a Monopoly empire.