Koh Friday – Welcome Home Paul T

PUBLISHED September 29th, 2015 01:10 pm | UPDATED June 4th, 2020 11:42 am
We’re throwing a little a welcome home party for our favourite Koh Friday resident [Paul T](https://www.mixcloud.com/ITS_PAULT/). After almost 3 months of traveling the globe, running festivals and tearing up dance floors, our proverbial son finally returns. He’ll be packing a whole heap of fresh new tunes that we can’t wait for him to unleash!
Supported by:
[Dan Baartz](https://soundcloud.com/danbaartz)
[James Taylor](https://soundcloud.com/jaytays)
This event is happening on Friday, 9 October 2015, 11pm onwards at Koh. For more information, please see [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/events/137565723258523/).