
Located on the former sixth storey carpark of People’s Park Complex, Lepark is a rooftop tapas bar overlooking the heritage streets of Chinatown. Being one of the largest rooftop spaces in Singapore and situated close enough to the CBD makes it a great hangout spot after work. On top of it’s ever-changing tapas menu and draught beer from $6, these guys regularly organise events like flea markets, movie screenings, and concerts.
Phone: 96589938
Web: http://www.lepark.co/
Email: [email protected]
Opening hours: Tues – Fri:16:00–22:00. Sat – Sun:11:00–23:00.

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When Joel’s not partaking in one of his shameless eating sessions, he likes to think of himself as a sponge – absorbing the mysteries and beauty of our world – be it through a good book or a wacky jaunt in a foreign country.