Lockdown Booze-up: Beat the Heat with LUMO’s Berrylicious Honey Bramble Cocktail

Tucked away in the corner of Carpenter Street and Southbridge Road is LUMO, an up and coming restaurant-bar. This cosy spot is known for their fun breakfast-inspired cocktails – think crunchy toasts and milk-soaked cereal in a lip-smacking drink form. If the idea of a boozy brekkie sounds good to you, switch out your cup of orange juice for LUMO bar manager Alex Ng’s light and fruity Honey Bramble.


Bursting with the zingy flavours of crushed berries and lifted citrus notes, this sweet gin-kissed tipple is a wonderfully refreshing summer-ready drink that you can imbibe at any time of the day (responsibly of course). Why not go a step further and add your own twist to the drink? Replace the berries with any fruit of your choice – let your creativity run wild.


Gin 45ml

Honey syrup 10ml (dissolve honey in water 3:1 ratio)

Lemon juice 20ml

Muddled berries 3-5 pieces (fruits of any kind can be used)


Honey Syrup

Step 1: Ratio of honey to water is three is to one, i.e (120g honey:40g water)

Step 2: Boil water.

Step 3: Pour water into honey.

Step 4: Stir mixture until it binds together.

Step 5: Let it cool down before using or storing in the fridge.


Step 1:  Add desired fruits or berries to a glass or cocktail shaker, then muddle.

Step 2: Pour in 10ml of honey syrup.

Step 3: Pour in 20ml of fresh lemon juice.

Step 4: Pour in 45ml of gin.

Step 5:  Top the glass or cocktail shaker with ice.

Step 6:  If using a glass, stir well before serving.

Step 7: If using a cocktail shaker, give it a good shake and then strain into glass over ice.

If she isn’t neck-deep in a self-imposed existential crisis, you can find Niharika trying to master a new skill – anything from handicrafts to instruments, or simply browsing the internet’s never-ending collection of dog videos.