The After Party – TELEFUNKEN (S.A.S.H, AUS)

PUBLISHED September 3rd, 2015 03:38 am | UPDATED July 3rd, 2020 02:32 am
Sick of finishing up your weekend on Sunday night because there’s nothing left to do?
Sick of staring aimlessly at your pot plant until Monday morning?
Sick of playing Karate aerobics with your sheets trying to convince yourself sleep is coming??
Well no more need to fear, The After Party is here!
The nocturnal party animal in us never wants the weekend to end so we decided to create a new monster for all those who are like us.. It’s called The After Party
So, no matter where your Sunday takes you. All hedonistic roads end up at Koh!
Your After Party animals this week are:
This event will take place on Sunday, 6 September 2015, 10PM at Koh. For more information, please see [Facebook](