22.01 | Speak ft. The Slam Champions

PUBLISHED January 12th, 2014 11:49 am | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
The Slam Champions
Scott Wings
Victoria Lim
Hosted By:
Deborah Emmanuel
Vanessa Victoria
Stephanie Chan
Free Entry
(Featuring The Slam Champions)
Speak is organized by a new poetry collective that seeks to give the people a voice. It is a platform for writers to share their poetry and love for the spoken word- to foster a community of individuals who want to stand up for what they believe in and share the personal stories that need to be heard.
Speak is our attempt to break into the club scene, to seed the growth of a new movement. To shed light in a dark room, where bedroom speakers come out into the open.
In all humbleness we ask of you to join us. Come Speak with us.
Scott Wings – performer, comedian, poet, rapper. One of Australia’s foremost Performance Poets, winning the 2013 Performance Poetry World Cup, a multi slam champion and host of events throughout Brisbane. A student of Zen Zen Zo Physical Theatre Company, he recently collaborated with them on their 2013 production Here There Be Dragons and in the same year wrote, directed and performed two sell-out shows MaXimal and Metamorphosis Of A Poet. He is travelling throughout South-East Asia in Jan/Feb 2014 performing and facilitating workshops in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Penang and Bangkok.
Victoria Lim is a local theatre practitioner and production stage manager. As a performance poet, Victoria is one-quarter of poetry troupe SEKALIWAGS (Lit-Up 2013: She Walks Like A Free Country) as well as 2013’s National Poetry Slam Champion. She is also the 2nd Prize Winner of the Golden Point Award 2013 for English Poetry for the collection Swathe and Other Poems.
This is an open mic poetry/spoken word event. Interested speakers should email
22nd January, Wednesday
8:00pm – 11:00pm