A Day Of Fun At Forest Adventure

Bedok Reservoir: an 88 hectare space of quiet tranquil and serenity – or so we thought. Enter Forest Adventure.

If the name doesn’t sound familiar, Forest Adventure is a pulsating, action-packed obstacle course – think ropes, wooden planks, metal hoops, and zip-lines – designed to get your adrenaline rushing. In true City Nomads fashion, we obviously had to try it out (which we did as a team) before recommending this two and a half hour challenge to you.

Our friendly guide was, assuring and very clear in his instructions as we put on our harnesses during the safety briefing. Luckily he was, because you’ll be pretty much on your own throughout the course. Most of the instructors will be stationed on the ground and looking out for you from there. But not to worry, as long as you absorb the necessary information, you’ll be fine!

The most important thing we had to remember was to latch on to the red safety line at every station so we wouldn’t fall off a tree if we lost our balance. It was also a good idea of theirs to set up a couple of obstacles to ‘test’ our safety knowledge before starting on the course proper.


In all honesty, the test obstacles were nothing compared to what we were about to experience. The 35 obstacles over four different sites in various parts of Bedok Reservoir include wooden plank bridges, trapezes, and wobbly logs. We shouldn’t give everything away but one memorable obstacle of the course was the ‘leap of faith’, a super-thrilling Tarzan-style swing where people actually do let out a yell or two.


Personally, our favourite part of Forest Adventure are the zip-lines – which also happen to be your glorious respite after clearing each of the four sites. What’s not to like when you’ve got the wind licking your face and a bird eye’s view of the entire reservoir?

And we’re really glad that one of our team members with acrophobia managed to get over her fear of heights and went on the zipline – there’s nowhere better (and more fun) to face your fears!


To be honest, we did think ‘what did we sign up for?!’ a few times over the entire obstacle course – especially when we were up three stories in the air with only a wire for support. Nevertheless, it was fantastic fun and a sense of self-satisfaction filled us when each site was completed. We also appreciated the fact that when faced with the highest level of difficulty, there was a different (read: easier) pathway to take. So whether you want to go out on a limb and really challenge yourself or take a safer route, it’s hard not feel accomplished and exhilarated all at once at the end of the course at Forest Adventure.

Forest Adventure is open Tuesday to Sunday from 9.30am to 6pm. Closed on Mondays. Those under the age of 18 have to be supervised by a participating adult (aged 21 and above). Please note that there’s also a minimum height requirement of 1.4m. For information and tickets, please see the Forest Adventure website.

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When Joel’s not partaking in one of his shameless eating sessions, he likes to think of himself as a sponge – absorbing the mysteries and beauty of our world – be it through a good book or a wacky jaunt in a foreign country.