Armour@TheBay x Royston Wee

PUBLISHED October 20th, 2015 12:59 am | UPDATED May 8th, 2018 08:38 pm
Following Under Armour’s Earn Your Armour global campaign, Triple Pte Ltd, the exclusive distributor of Under Armour in Southeast Asia, has launched a regional campaign titled Earn Your Armour Southeast Asia in Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines. The regional campaign seeks to engage each local community to build, support and empower individuals into athleticism by collaborating with international fitness institutions and fitness trainers.
In conjunction with Under Armour’s complimentary weekly workout series by Fullerton Bay titled Armour@TheBay, the fifth Earn Your Armour challenge features Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) workouts conducted by Under Armour Singapore Brand Ambassador Royston Wee. A coach and professional fighter from Impact MMA gym, Royston’s current fight record is 4-1, 3 fights in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).
Royston will conduct basic MMA drills and bodyweight workouts at The Fullerton Pavilion Rooftop by Fullerton Bay, during which he will give an introduction of what MMA is and his philosophy of how humans should move. You will get to find out up close on how a professional MMA fighter training is like with a twist.
The basic MMA drills and bodyweight workouts will vary from simple to complex moves over six weeks. Each session will begin with a warm-up, followed by a mixture of MMA drills accompanied with bodyweight workouts, mobility and movement drills, and lastly, cooling down. Movements will also be introduced to address common issues in athletes and the everyday person. All these incorporated will help you in improve your reflex and coordination, strength, mobility and movement.
Armour@TheBay x Royston Wee is happening over 6 weeks on 13 Oct 2015, 20 Oct 2015, 27 Oct 2015, 3 Nov 2015, 10 Nov 2015, and 17 Nov 2015 at Fullerton Pavilion Rooftop, with 2 available at 6.30pm or 7.30pm. Interested participants can sign up here. Participation is complimentary on first come first serve basis.