Chingay Parade Singapore 2015

PUBLISHED December 16th, 2014 02:25 pm | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
To be presented by 11,000 beautiful multi-cultural performers, Chingay Parade 2015 promises to be the grandest-ever parade specially choreographed to celebrate SG 50 – with the theme “We Love Singapore” 我们爱新加坡 and “Dreams and Hope Singapore 希望之树, 狮城梦”. Celebrate with a spectacular and beautiful sea of “We Love SG Flowers”, made up by one million used plastic flowers. Also, catch world class international performances and many more exciting highlights
There will be 2 parades, the first on Friday, 27 February and the second on Saturday, 28 February.
For ticket information, please refer to SISTIC’s website [here](