European Union Film Festival (EUFF)

PUBLISHED March 25th, 2015 08:26 am | UPDATED June 8th, 2020 03:47 pm
The largest EUFF yet, the 25th edition features 29 films from 29 European countries representing the best of contemporary European cinema. From the opening film The Connection, a French crime thriller set in the 1970s, Swiss-Italian film The Wonders which won the 2014 Cannes Grand Prix to the recently Oscar nominated Estonian film Tangerines and the cinematically arresting Academy Award winning Polish film Ida, the 25th EUFF offers Europe’s diverse contemporary creativity and multi-faceted cultural heritage.
The European Union Film Festival (EUFF) is running from Wednesday, 13 May to Sunday, 24 May at GV Suntec City.
For more information, please click [here](