FRESH! Singapura Rooftop Party

PUBLISHED August 6th, 2015 06:20 pm | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
It’s National Day, citizens of FRESH! Why be on the ground of the Padang, when you can celebrate Singapore’s 50th on a roof? FRESH!’s roof, to be exact. Watch the RSAF fly-by and, more importantly, FIREWORKS to bring your National Day evening to a spectacular end.
Celebrate Singapore’s Golden Jubilee at FRESH! with Singapura Specials. Get 1-for-1 cocktails till 10pm, and of course, FRESH!’s iconic Xin Jia Po Sling in jugs at just $50! And we’re not just getting you in the celebratory mood with drinks – FRESH! be serving some serious Singapura grub too!
This event takes place on 9 Aug 2015 at the rooftop of FRESH!, from 6pm onwards. For more information, click [here](