“Games of Yesterday: A Historical Workout’

PUBLISHED April 7th, 2015 02:33 am | UPDATED June 15th, 2020 06:23 pm
In celebration of Singapore’s Golden Jubilee this ear, Aileron Wellness takes you on a trip down memory lane and revives the games our grandfathers grew up with, which don’t involve a tablet or desktop. In this 75-min workout session, you will experience nostalgic sports such as Skipping, Hopscotch, Zero Point, Chaptek, Scissors Paper Stone, and Tag blended into a novel adventure.
This event is taking place on Sunday, 25 April from 10am onwards at Aileron Wellness.
For enquires or registration, please email <enquiries@aileron.com.sg> or call 62747138. For more information, please click [here](http://www.aileron.com.sg/).