Just Opened #2: Singapore’s newest restaurants and bars

PUBLISHED July 18th, 2013 02:23 am | UPDATED May 18th, 2020 04:47 pm
Comfort, style, flavor, fun… whatever it is you’re looking for, Singapore’s ever-changing restaurant scene is bound to have it, and if it doesn’t yet, it probably will do by next week! With the impressive number of new openings, we may not have had a chance just yet, but here’s our round up of the latest newly-opened spots we want to try.
Da Laura
Word is that despite Da Laura having opened only recently, she’s already giving the other Italians a run for their money, and with the significant number of Italian restaurants in town, that’s pretty big. Started by Laura Forlino, certified Sommelier and sister of established chef Osvaldo Forlino, she’s effectively restauranteur pedigree, which really comes across in the enticing wine selection and warm, inviting decor that perfectly compliments the ethos of ‘home-style’ Italian cooking. Apparently Executive Chef Michele Blasi abides by one simple philosophy – each dish has no more than three or four ingredients so that the natural flavours of each will be at their fullest. Reports are that the Sea Bass Burger (pictured) is heavenly-light and a must try.
Da Laura is located at 47 Neil Road, Singapore 088827. p. 6224 8251. Opening hours are Mon – Fri: 12:00 – 14:30, 18:00 – 22:30, Sat: 18:00 – 22:30. For reservations call 6224 8251 or email info@da-laura.com. You can also check out their website here.
A new tapas bar and restaurant has sprung up in the restaurant merry-go-round that is Robertson Quay, and Barraka has very bravely set up shop right near to Wine Connection. Designed to deliver a typical Spanish dining experience, dishes range from small tapas nibbles to fully-fledged main courses all bursting with Spanish flavours. Meat lovers in the meantime, will rejoice in traditional dishes like Jamon Iberico De Bellota (100 gr of reserve, 30-36 months dry-cured acorn-fed Spanish black pig served with tomato bread) which is a staple in any Spanish meal for good reason, it’s delicious.
Barraka is located at 11 Unity street #01-18/29 Singapore 237995. Opening hours are Mon – Thu: 17:00 – 01:00,Fri: 17:00 – 02:00, Sat: 12:00 – 02:00, Sun: 12:00 – 01:00. For reservations call 6737 9130 or email info@barraka.com.sg. You can also check out their website here.
We weren’t fibbing when we said that Tapas is the ‘in’ thing right now. If you’re the kind of person that doesn’t share food- I’m sorry, you’re going to have to rehabilitate yourself, because small platters, full of big zingy flavours made for sharing, are the name of the game here. Platitos is rumoured to be delicious, excellent value for money, and a really nice hip spot to chill and hang out with friends. We’ve also heard that they serve up a mean Sangria, which will always have us come calling!
Platitos is located at 1 Tras Link #01-08, Singapore, 078867. Opening hours are Mon – Thu: 11:00 – 23:00, Fri: 11:00 – 01:00, Sat: 16:00 – 01:00. For reservations call 6444 1654 or email hello@platitos.com. You can also check out their website here.
If you’re serious about your beer then a pint of Stella simply ain’t gonna cut it! So rejoice in the opening of Tippletown, home to 100 labels of exqusite craft beer. As well as the usual fruity Belgian selection and German wheats, Tippletown is host to a rather serious list of American and modern British-style pale ales, India pale ales, stouts and a few ciders for good measure. Not having been… this may be a bold statement, but lets just throw it out there, it sounds like a beer-lovers paradise! A mecca for men if you will. With six ‘legendary’ brews on tap and more exciting labels promised; a vast selection of bottled beers; and a menu full of hearty, pastry-laden, buttery, meaty carb goodness, if you lose your husband/boyfriend/dad etc, you may want to start the search for him here.
Tippletown is located at 11 Club Street, Singapore 069405. Opening hours are Mon – Fri: 11:00 – 15:00, 17:00 – 00:00, Sat: 13:00 – 00:00. For reservations email beersandciders@tippletown.com. You can also check out their website here.
If Bread-talk makes you want to weep and you’re craving a hit of nostalgia, then the recipes of Mr and Mrs Soh, inspiration behind Kelvin Soh’s newly opened Dong Po Colonial Cafe, may be just what you’re craving. Inspired by memories of pastries from 50’s and 60’s Singapore planted by his mother, and recipes handed down by his father, this vintage bakery-cafe in Kampong Glam may be new, but it cleverly and charmingly looks like it’s been around forever. Not just a gimmick tho, with a fourth-generation baker at the helm, you will find a range of delicious, light, fluffy and buttercream treats all whispering “forget the diet, just eat me!”. We say, “what diet?”
Dong Po Colonial Cafe is located at 56 Kandahar Street, Singapore 1989045. Opening hours are Tue – Thu: 08:00 – 21:00, Fri: 08:00 – 22:00, Sat: 10:00 – 22:00, Sun: 08:00 – 21:00. No reservations necessary but for more information you can call 6298 1318.
You asked us to tell you about brand new places and we listened – that’s just how we roll! If you know of a new spot in town that we’ve not mentioned yet, please do let us know… we value your recommendations, and we hope you never get over the fun of discovering something new and exciting. Thanks Nomads.
Written by Heh Zee.