Mongrel 2014: #mongrelsareawesome

PUBLISHED November 19th, 2014 09:33 am | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
One for the pooch lovers, Mongrel 2014: #mongrelsareawesome celebrates the wonder of dogs through a exhibition featuring a series of works by photographers Elke Vogelsang, Ernest Goh, Sion Chung Hua and illustrators/painters, Ly Yeow, Namiko Chan, Takahashi and Lili Chin. Back in its third edition, Mongrel 2014: #mongrelsareawesome aspires to raise the profile of Mongrels by highlighting their impressive and distinctive mix of breeds. Instagram will also host a social media campaign where the public can post photos of their mongrels with the hashtag #mongrelsareawesome and the best pictures will have a place in the exhibition. Oh and awesome thing is, the artists have pledged to share a portion of the proceeds with animal welfare groups of their choice in the name of charity.
For more information, please refer to their [Facebook Page](