ON THE ROAD: The Documentaries of Wim Wenders
PUBLISHED October 31st, 2014 02:52 am | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
Wim Wenders is perhaps the most cosmopolitan filmmaker to have emerged out of the vibrant period of New German Cinema. Wenders grew up with a steady diet of American popculture – a catalyst that sparked a ceaseless fascination with the international cultural landscape around him which he sought to express through his films. As Wim Wenders once said, ‘Everything I love I had to defend’. This is most immediately evident in his body of documentaries which brought him on journeys across the globe, much like the wanderers which populate his fiction films, as he explored the lives of artists and their legacies. From the last days of American film director Nicholas Ray, the first international performances of Cuban music sensation Bueno Vista Social Club, to the memories of choreographer Pina Bausch immortalised by her ensemble of dancers – these documentaries all feature individuals in states of transitions and events in the act of unfolding. As he celebrates his 70th birthday next year, join us for this special showcase of Wenders’ documentaries which tell the tales of fellow travellers and his ceaseless love for music, cinema, photography, fashion, dance and architecture.
This event is held in conjunction with the 18th German Film Festival.
For more information, click [here](http://www.nationalmuseum.sg/NMSPortal/Cinematheque/18thGermanFilmFestival;jsessionid=YHFkMDkmTvxK9jV3XPhgGRxXWzWJtgjOjpxA5ufHPwCRizjxCs2n!-943679767?_afrLoop=324879326559653&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null#%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D324879326559653%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dt5lrtejgy_4).