Pink Dot

PUBLISHED May 25th, 2014 01:47 pm | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
Support the freedom to love!
Pink Dot aims to recognise the efforts of the LGBT community, its friends and allies in the endeavor against discrimination, ignorance and fear, while championing equality, diversity and inclusivity in this Little Red Dot we call home.
Singapore is home to many cultures. Since independence, Singaporeans have lived and worked harmoniously with people from all walks of life. We are indeed proud to be in a nation that values and celebrates diversity.
Openness, understanding and tolerance are important tenets of our society. In Singapore, however, very little is known about a segment of Singaporeans – the LGBTs (lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered individuals). Out of fear and ignorance, prejudice forms.
About Pink Dot SG
Pink Dot Sg is a non-profit movement started by a group of individuals who care deeply about the place that LGBT Singaporeans call home. It is a group for everyone, straight and gay, who support the belief that everyone deserves the freedom to love. With openness and acceptance, we hope to bring LGBT Singaporeans closer to their family and friends.
Pink is the colour of our ICs. It is also the colour when you mix red and white – the colours of our national flag. Pink Dot stands for an open, inclusive society within our Red Dot, where sexual orientation represents a feature, not a barrier.
Meet in Hong Lim Park from 5pm onwards