RALLY: We Can! Arts Fest

PUBLISHED September 29th, 2015 07:45 pm | UPDATED June 3rd, 2020 06:32 pm
RALLY at the Singapore Art Museum for this year’s We Can! Arts Fest! Enjoy an exciting line-up of visual exhibitions, performance art, music, and voices – all FREE!
Start the day with thought-provoking workshops and panels, then settle down for an evening of chilled out performances by talented artists and activists.
– At the Human Library, three unique individuals open up in conversation about experiences that are often made invisible. Filmmaker Christopher Khor shares about his life as a transgender man in Singapore and the documentary he is creating on his transition journey; Alvin Wong, genderqueer activist, talks about the fear of military conscription and its effect on mental health; and Pamela Sandanasamy courageously relates her journey of recovery after leaving an abusive marriage.
– Drift through Jeni-Louise’s stunning painting series, Oppress Oppression, a colourful collection of acrylics-on-canvas that shows us the different faces of solidarity
– Move aside Spider-man, Batman and Superman – because here come X-23, Raven and Batgirl! Celebrate female comic book characters, at UN Women’s super workshop, Super Sheroes
– Tired of having important conversations shut down by being told to ‘lighten up’? Do people try to get off the hook about sexist remarks by saying ‘Don’t be so ‘PC” or ‘It’s just a joke!’? Learn how to keep the conversation going at the Big Words, Small Talk panel!
– Laugh, cry, and connect with the spoken word performances by Deborah Emmanuel, Zarifah Anuar, and more!
RALLY will also showcase the Arts Fest staples, with a fresh twist:
– live music from young local bands and musicians
– a Kids’ Corner (age 3+) for budding advocates to read, draw and play
– a Book Swap where you can exchange all your pre-loved books and zines for others
– an on-site game station where you can play as a character in The Healing Doll, an RPG developed by Change Maker, Ming Gui
– activity booths, video reels and so much more!
This event is happening at the Singapore Art Museum, this year’s kind venue sponsor, on 6 December at 12pm to 7pm. For more information, visit [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/events/1049450925089419/).