Space out – A Public Lecture by Brett Rogers

PUBLISHED August 27th, 2014 08:58 am | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
4th SIPF Presents:
Space out – A public lecture on building creative spaces by Brett Rogers, The Photographers’ Gallery, London
For any photography enthusiast visiting London, The Photographers’ Gallery at Ramillies Street in Soho is a mecca not to be missed. Boasting world-class exhibition spaces, showcases, and educational programmes advancing appreciation and critical discourse in photography, the gallery is not only a leading centre for the art form in UK and the world, but an exemplary model for independent organizations yearning to set up similar community spaces.
Helming this sea change is director Brett Rogers, who led an 18-month-long £9.2million campaign in 2010, oversaw the gallery’s move from Great Newport Street, and rejuvenated the building into the dynamic hub of photographic ideas and talents it is today. The refurbished space opened in 2012.
Hear from Rogers as she shares insights on the process of gathering and materializing ideas which informed the development of the new space,how funds were raised, as well as programmes conducted since its launch. This session will provide ample food for thought for individuals or organizations keen in establishment of new art enclaves in Singapore and the evolution of its existing creative spaces.
Free Admission. Limited to 70pax. Registration is compulsory. RSVP today at