Spielberg Retrospective at The Projector

PUBLISHED June 8th, 2015 09:10 am | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
Delve into the legendary worlds of Spielberg films with The Projector!
This June, the Projector will be screening classic films such as [E.T](http://theprojector.sg/filmsandevents/e-t/), [Jurassic Park](http://theprojector.sg/filmsandevents/jurassic-park/), [Jaws](http://theprojector.sg/filmsandevents/jaws/), and [Schindler’s List](http://theprojector.sg/filmsandevents/schindlers-list/), so whether you’re a film buff or a casual movie-goer, there’s bound to be something for everyone.
The event will run from 9 – 14 June.
To purchase tickets, please see individual links.
For more info, please see [here](http://theprojector.sg/filmsandevents/#event).