SPORE Art Salon 47th Edition

PUBLISHED September 25th, 2014 09:42 am | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
SPORE Art Salon is an initiative created for visual artists to meet, mingle, inspire, and share with performing artists. During the SPORE Art Salon editions, we alternate between drawing sessions with models, and performances from musicians, contortionists, poets, dancers, actors and more. We also feature works of, and demonstrations by visual artists, individually or collaboratively.
There is a $10/guest donation at the door and proceeds will benefit our featured artists. The bar and kitchen (for sandwiches and DESSERTS!) will be open, so come have something after dinner, meet, mingle and inspire with fellow creatives of various disciplines. Guests are encouraged to participate in the life drawing sessions in between performances, so, bring your sketch materials along!
47th Edition FEATURES:
The beautiful and powerful sounds of SASS girls!
Film screening with Alec Tok – The Boy Who Asked Too Many Questions!
Last but not the least, a special ‘visiting’ artist… home grown favourite, Deborah Emmanuel!!!
You know the drill! TUESDAY 8PM. Bring your drawing materials! And look forward to an absolutely niiiice evening of a multi-disciplinary mash up!
For more information, click [here](https://www.facebook.com/events/292429050953958/).