The LASALLE Show 2015

PUBLISHED May 18th, 2015 03:19 am | UPDATED June 22nd, 2020 09:58 pm
Over 800 works will be unveiled at The LASALLE Show 2015, an annual exhibition by the graduates from the Diploma, Bachelor of Arts (Honours), and Master of Arts programmes.
Showcasing the best and brightest contemporary works from Design, Fine Arts, Film, Media Arts, Fashion, Dance, Music, Theatre, Asian Art Histories, Art Therapy, and Arts Management, The LASALLE Show 2015 marks the grand finale of an artistic education in creativity and imagination, which transforms these young talents to professional artists in the dynamic creative industries.
This exhibition completes the series of graduation showcases by the Faculties of Design, Fine Arts, Media Arts, Performing Arts, and Creative Industries.
The exhibition will runfrom 22 May – 3 June 2015, from 11am – 8 pm daily at LASALLE College of the Arts.
Admission is free.
For more information, please see [here](