The Singlish Slam

PUBLISHED May 25th, 2014 12:55 pm | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
This month, take come your siew mai, sambal and sotong. Make your similes stylo milo, shiok, don’t sian the audience. Make sure your poems got standard. But cannot sombong, skali some samseng sapu the top prize.*
Poems about Singapore, Singlish and Sengkang are encouraged. From 7.30pm.
3 rounds. 3 mins per poem. Originals only.
12 slots available for slammers.
Limited open mic slots available.
$12 entry at the door, with one free drink
(house pour or draft)
Slammers get in free.
Sign up on the event wall or email
This month, bring out your savoury dumplings of words, your spicy verse. Reveal yourself as an artist in a world of your own. Use the most modern and up to date similes, entertain your audience and don’t leave them with a sense of ennui. Demonstrate skill in your writing and performance. But don’t let pride creep in, least some thuggish wordsmith sweep the first prize.