TPCC Presents: Equinox A Tale of Night and Day

PUBLISHED March 20th, 2015 06:42 am | UPDATED June 10th, 2020 05:08 pm
Can there be day without night? Can make-believe exist without reality? Using texts as diverse as ancient Latin prose and French surrealist poetry, composers of the 20th century have explored the duality of night and day, and its manifestations in nature and emotion. This is a world where dark depths of despair and bleak snow scenes meet the golden veneer of sacred comfort and vernal warmth; where lush romanticism meets stark modernism.
Come join The Philharmonic Chamber Choir (TPCC) as we traverse a range of 20th century choral classics revelling in the juxtaposition of inseparable opposites: from abstract chromatic soundscapes by Gyorgy Ligeti; to romantic stylings of love and separation by Jean Sibelius. Experience the sensuous rendering of Sappho’s poems of Hellenistic hedonism by Ildebrando Pizzetti; revel in the brash, colourful settings of Paul Eluard and Guillaume Apollinaire by Francis Poulenc.
Through these songs and more, TPCC invites you to be part of our tale of night and day.
This concert will be happening on Sunday, 26 April at 5pm at the Victoria Concert Hall.
To purchase tickets, please click [here](