AFA10 presents: Fragment – World Premiere

PUBLISHED October 13th, 2015 04:53 am | UPDATED July 3rd, 2020 06:29 pm
Fragment is an omnibus film celebrating the strength and diversity of South-East Asian independent cinema. Made up of a collage of ten stories, each story distinctively embraces the other’s subjectivities through the collective sentiments of vulnerability and fortitude.
The ten filmmakers are Kan Lume (Singapore), Wesley Leon Aroozoo (Singapore), Sherman Ong (Singapore/Malaysia), U-Wei Haji Saari (Malaysia), Tan Chui Mui (Malaysia), Lucky Kuswandi (Indonesia), Phan Dang Di (Vietnam), Kavich Neang (Cambodia), Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit (Thailand) and Lav Diaz (Philippines).
AFA10 presents: Fragment is running from 30 October – 31 October 2015 at The Projector. Tickets are priced at $15 (premiere) and $12 (repeat screening). Check out the Facebook event page for more details here.