BALI PINK RIBBON FOUNDATION is a non-profit foundation that aims to raise awareness of breast cancer and reduce the death rate of breast cancer in Bali local community.

Every year in October, Bali Pink Ribbon holds a fun 5km walk to celebrate the breast cancer awareness month and raise fund.

This year, [Bali Pink Ribbon]( is also offering a Pink Ribbon 5 km Run for Bali’s enthusiastic runners at the same location as the Walk.

THE PINK RIBBON GALA DINNER – Friday, 23 October 2015 at The Trans Resort Hotel, Kerobokan.

Join Bali Pink Ribbon Foundation for this special fundraising evening. Enjoy a three course dinner, dancing and auction offering fabulous prizes.

THE ANNUAL BALI PINK RIBBON 5km WALK/RUN – Saturday, 24 October 2015.

The event is held in the grounds of [ITDC](

The Foundation will hold free breast screen and papsmear for event participants.

This is a popular family fun event, offering bazaar, food and drink stalls, kids corner and live musical entertainment, with fabulous raffle prizes. You will get to write a message on one of the pink ribbons to hang on the memorial line, in memory of a lost loved one or to encourage someone battling the disease.

This event at ITDC, Nusa Dua Hotel Complex on 24 October 2015, For more information, please see [Facebook]( Contact: or +62 851 0035 2299 for advance tickets and t-shirt sales (recommended).

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Deputy Editor

Gary is one of those proverbial jack of all trades… you know the rest. When not writing about lifestyle and culture, he dabbles in photography, graphic design, plays four instruments and is a professional wearer of bowties. His greatest weakness: spending more money on clothes than he probably should. Find him across the social world as @grimlay