But is the Book Better? : Much Ado About Shakespeare

PUBLISHED April 28th, 2014 12:54 pm | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
April marks the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birth! His influence can be felt far and wide, with his plays having spawned adaptations and reinterpretations in television, film, theatre, and even web series, by creators from all around the world. The themes addressed in his plays are still very much relevant to the modern life. We celebrate the birthday of the Bard – often exalted as the greatest writer in the English language – with screenings of film adaptations of his work.
The full list of the films can be found here:
[RICHARD III](http://www.theartshouse.com.sg/Programmes/EventPage.aspx?EventID=3536)
[MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING](http://www.theartshouse.com.sg/Programmes/EventPage.aspx?EventID=3537)
[TWELFTH NIGHT: OR WHAT YOU WILL](http://www.theartshouse.com.sg/Programmes/EventPage.aspx?EventID=3538)
[ROMEO + JULIET](http://www.theartshouse.com.sg/Programmes/EventPage.aspx?EventID=3540)
About William Shakespeare
Born in April 1564, William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor. Though respected in his day, his reputation and popularity only rose to present heights in the 19th century. He produced the bulk of his known work between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, after which he turned to writing tragedies. His last phase produced his tragicomedies, or romances, and collaborations with other playwrights. His plays remain highly popular today and, having been translated into every major living language, are studied and performed around the world.
Ticketing Info & Show Times
Venue: Screening Room
Event Timing: Various timings
Starting Date: 07 Apr 2014
End Date: 24 May 2014
Free admission by registration [here](http://www.ticketmash.sg/bitbb-shakespeare)