Em – By the River

Don’t expect anything gourmet or anything like good service. But for simple, comfort food like burgers, fries, sandwiches etc…it certainly isn’t bad, the location is lovely and it has pretty decent drinks promotions on most nights. It’s also open til very late and is one of the only spots in Robertson Quay that is.
Phone: 6836 9691
Web: http://www.em-n-em.com/
Email: enquiries@em-n-em.com
Opening hours: Monday – Thursday: 9am – 2am. Friday: 9am – 3am. Saturday: 8am – 3am. Sunday: 8am – 2am

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When Joel’s not partaking in one of his shameless eating sessions, he likes to think of himself as a sponge – absorbing the mysteries and beauty of our world – be it through a good book or a wacky jaunt in a foreign country.