French Movies 2015 LA TRAVIATA (NC16 – brief nudity)

PUBLISHED February 2nd, 2015 03:36 am | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
Based on La Dame aux Camélias, the most popular novel of Alexandre Dumas’ time, La Traviata tells the love story of a fallen woman between sacrifice and misunderstanding. Referring to the tragic destiny of Marie d’Agoult, Verdi takes a step forward in his quest to express dramatic ideas in music. With famous arias like Sempre Libera, La Traviata has become a staple within many opera companies’ repertoires.
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Presentation by a professional and screening
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
Screening and free drinks
This event is happening on Wednesday, 11 February at the Alliance Francaise Theatre.
To purchase tickets, please click [here](