HUB Adventures

PUBLISHED January 13th, 2014 02:56 am | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
Interested to learn about social/environmental issues facing Singapore today in a fun, easy and engaging way?
If yes, then welcome to HUB Adventures! HUB Adventures are a series of immersive experiences which use the power of HUB Singapore as the platform to bring together Hubbers, general public, NGOs and corporates.
Why should you join?
Because you will get to learn about the issues, connect with thought leaders and peers and make an impact yourself. Oh, and you can do all this in just a few short hours over a weekend.
How it works – Each edition of the series will have:
a. A Friday evening event – to stimulate the emotions based on real human stories from an inspiring speaker and a documentary film. Approx. 2 hours
b. A Saturday morning adventure – to learn hands-on about the issue through an awesome adventure in Singapore and to explore with fellow participants ideas related to the issue. Approx. 3 hours
Edition 1 – Singapore Waterways Adventure
Friday 24 Jan 6:30pm-8:30pm
Screening of an inspiring and educational documentary film on the state of oceans today and impact of plastic pollution. Post-film sharing by inspiring speaker(s) from WWS on the history of Singapore’s waterways, challenges facing Singapore’s waterways today, how are the waterways kept clean and what to expect in tomorrow’s waterways adventure
Saturday 25 Jan 8am-12 noon
Environmental patrol up Singapore River on boat and bicycles. About 8-10 people will get to be on the boat while the rest will be on bicycles.
Venue: Singapore River (exact location will be given on 24 Jan session)
It is recommended that participants join both the days to get the full experience. Registration for only one of the days is not possible
Due to technical website constraints, the right side of this page shows event time on both days to be 6:30-8:30pm. The correct timings are Friday 24 Jan 6:30pm-8:30pm and Saturday 25 Jan 8am-12noon.
See [here]( for more information