iNCH – Letters To Ubin EP Launch

PUBLISHED October 13th, 2015 03:44 am | UPDATED July 3rd, 2020 06:28 pm
In her latest EP, Letters to Ubin (2015), the mouse deer canters back to find her roots in nature, as she draws ideas from the raw appeal of Pulau Ubin in a four-month stay as part of a joint project with The Artists Village & National Arts Council. This new EP finds iNCH once again as musical nomad, reflecting on city life and the countryside, deflecting back and forth between the mechanical and analog worlds, and so inflecting Letters to Ubin with the music concrete that showcases the sounds and sights of the rustic Pulau Ubin. iNCH retrofits into her musical journey a missing digital forest now rediscovered, beckoning listeners to join her on an aural trek across the Pulau and harkening them to consider this: Come, take a pause, and contemplate fruitful idleness — this concept that is a rare, almost paradoxical commodity in the Singaporean economy of life.
Featuring Tim De Cotta & The Warriors.
iNCH – Letters To Ubin EP Launch is running on 26 November 2015, 7.30pm at Aliwal Arts Centre. Ticket are available online here at $20, and $25 at the door. Check out the Facebook event page here.