Overeasy Fullerton Presents Star Slinger (UK)

PUBLISHED September 29th, 2015 03:49 pm | UPDATED June 3rd, 2020 06:42 pm
An eclectic combination of hip-hop, dance and soul music awaits you as Manchester’s best producer, Star Slinger, brings with him an aurora of old and new school influences, consisting of samples from Loose Ends, Kendrick Lamar, Childish Gambino, Jessie Ware and Rihanna.
Check out Star Slinger at https://soundcloud.com/starslingeruk.
This event is happening on Saturday, 3 October 2015, from 9pm till late at Overeasy.
For reservations, text or call 9129 8484. For more information, visit the [Facebook event page](https://www.facebook.com/events/476032419243962/)