Repost – Identite Poster Series 2013 exhibition

PUBLISHED January 20th, 2014 01:18 pm | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
Open to public
13th Feb – 27th Feb 2014
Kult Gallery, 11 Upper Wilkie Rd
Emily Hill, Singapore, 228120
Opening on the 13th Feb, 7pm.
The Identite’s poster series project was created in January 2013 based on the shows held at Home Club. A year long collaborative project to condense all the Identite posters within the year in chronological order. A poster art exhibition searching for stand-out artistic expressions and fluid compositions, one area that should always catch the eye. The principal idea is to examine the current situation of printed posters within the digital media.
The poster is the graphic medium that is closest to art and with the intention to illustrate music, they trace the fashions and anxieties of Singaporeans while also revealing the artistic styles of the year. Images that are intriguing and subtle always find a balance of authenticity and an impressive notion of nostalgia to fans. Fluidity of design is especially key in poster layouts, as there is an infinite white space, and numerous points to capture.
These artists were not only attempting to communicate with a carefully targeted market. They were trying to give voice to a growing music scene. The way it sounds, where it comes from, and what it is about. Posters that appealed to every design aesthetic and musical taste are intriguing and complex images, whose composition poses a challenge. Framed or unframed is not important because it is likely to struggle in any setting where marketing considerations take priority. In Repost, all of these posters refuse to expire.
Marc Gabriel Loh
Qamarul Asyraf
Crystal Lee
Allison Marie Low
Sid Wills
Aisyah Ytm
Bryan Kxe
Djohan Hanapi
Ong Li Jie
Fiz Zahid
Guest artist – KILAS