Scroll by Bound Theatre

PUBLISHED February 17th, 2014 03:34 am | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
Much unlike our parents and grandparents, we grow up flooded with information in our lives. We open a new tab, we scroll, we click on the links, we scroll, we change apps, we scroll and we scroll and we scroll…
Scroll is about us. It is about our grandparents who would creep up to each other’s mailbox to drop secret letters; our parents who would make dedications to each other over the airwaves; our peers who would change their status on Facebook from ‘Single’ to ‘In a relationship with (insert name)’ and about our sons and daughters who… well, we don’t know.
In an era where our methods of communication and connectivity is in constant flux, how have we changed?
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Bound Theatre was started to create the kind of theatre that is relevant, truthful, meaningful and simply daring to be different.