Sensorium 360°

PUBLISHED July 2nd, 2014 05:48 am | UPDATED May 9th, 2018 03:13 am
Sensorium 360° is an exhibition that calls upon the full range of human senses and explores how sensory experiences locate us in understanding the world and knowing the self.
In the realm of visual art and daily life, vision and sight tend to dominate yet other senses are equally indispensable in enabling us to apprehend the world within and without – taking in its pleasures and pains, even as we absorb data/information. These physiological capacities are also sources for creativity, such as in the fields of music, gastronomy or even perfumery, and contemporary artists, in crossing disciplines, have often drawn upon the sensorial spectrum.
While the five senses of sight (ophthalmoception), sound/hearing (audioception), taste (gustaoception), touch (tactioception) and smell (olfacoception) are the most commonly known, other identified other senses include the ability to detect temperature (themoception), kinesthetic sense (proprioception), pain (nociception), balance (equilibrioception) and time (chronoception). Less easily explained but no less compelling is the ‘extrasensory’ perception of the ‘sixth sense’ – intuition or premonition.
The exhibition presents several newly commissioned works and loans from artists from Singapore, Southeast Asia and beyond, which each work and gallery dedicated to one specific sensory experience. In unfolding the varied phenomenological dimensions of senses and their sensibilities, Sensorium 360° also seeks to highlight three facets of the sensorial experience: its relationship to health, therapy and healing (notably touch); synesthesia (how one sense translates into another, e.g. sight into sound), and how one sense often triggers other aspects of human cognition (e.g. memory or danger).
Spanning the fields of art, neuroscience, cognitive psychology, phenomenology and philosophy, Sensorium 360° is a visual art exhibition that moves beyond vision to ‘see’ the world through the other senses, and experience it in the round.
For more details, click [here]( The exhibition will be held from 1 Jul – 19 Oct 2014, with exhibition hours: Mondays to Sundays 10.00 am to 7.00 pm (Last admission at 6:15pm) and Fridays 10.00 am to 9.00 pm.